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Technical brushes

There are endless applications and uses for brushes since there are many different types of brushes, from hair brushes, to oral hygene brushes, to artist brushes and so on. Anyway these are “only” the most commonly known brushes. Beside these types there are Technical Brushes that are brushes used in industrial applications during the processing of raw material, work-in-progress materials or finished goods.

Technical brushes are used in almost any industry, from oil&gas to pipeline production, from agriculture to food&bevarage, from woodworking to construction&building, from naval to automotive to aerospace and so on.

Basically every surface undergoes a surface finishing process when manufactured. These finishings can be chemical or mechanical but in both cases they will most probably be treated by a technical brush.


Technical Punched Brushes


Technical Brushes made of tufts of filaments inserted on a support usually in plastic (PVC, Nylon and more…) or wood, aluminum or brass. The great constructive flexibility makes these brushes ideal for many industrial applications (also in water, solvents or acid) thanks also to their low weight

Arrangement of Tufts in the Punched Brushes

In this type of brush the tufts are fixed to the support thanks to bristles fixed on the bottom of the holes previously made.

I Tufts can be arranged mainly in 3 ways bestowing to the brush these characteristics:

Staggered arrangement
Brush with especially high density and uniformity







Parallel arrangement
Brush with low density, easy discharge of slags from filaments






Helical arrangement
Brush apt to move the slags on one side

Size of the Tufts

The size “D” of the Tufts of filament can vary, there is also a relation between bristles diameter and thickness “T” of support:

D = from a minimum of 2 mm to a maximum of 12 mm
T = from a minimum 6 mm to a maximum 24 mm.

Different diameters give the brush different characteristics:
Big bristles = brushes suitable for heavy-duty works and with big dia filaments
Little bristles = brushes suitable for light-duty works, with high density and thin dia filaments

Type of Punched Brushes

There are 3 main types of punched brushes that differentiate for the way they are used in brushing (movement relative or absolute with respect to the object of brushing and contact surface with the object)

Cylindrical Punched Brushes

D1 = External Diameter
D2 = Diameter Core
D3 = Diameter Hole
D = Diameter Knots
L = Total Length
A/B = Distance between 1° hole and borders of the core
Useful brushing length = L – A – B
PT / PL = Arrangement of tufts (staggered, parallel, helical)
Support material (plastic, wood, aluminum and more)
Possible inclination of the tufts

Linear Punched Brushes

W = Support width
L = Support length
T = Support thickness
H = trim length filament
D = Diameter tuft
A/B/C/E = Distance between 1° hole and support borders
Useful brushing length = L – A – B
Useful brushing width = W – C – E
PT / PL = Arrangement of tufts (staggered, parallel, helical)
Support material (plastic, wood, aluminum and more)
Possible inclination of the tufts

Punched Frontal Brushes

D1 = Support diameter
D2 = External Diameter tufts
D3 = Diameter internal tufts
D4 = Diameter support hole
D = Diameter tuft
T = Support thickness
H = trim length filament
No. rows/punching circumference
Support material (plastic, wood, aluminum and more)
Possible inclination of the tufts

Contact and Offer Request

Our Technical Office is ready to help in the selection of filament or its geometric arrangement and depending on your application will advice in the choice of the Ideal Punching Brush

Contact Us!


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