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C-track system Technical Brush

We recommend the C-track system wherever Bursten strip brushes need to be replaced quickly and frequently. For example, heavy use might result in a high degree of bristle wear, or changing conditions might require brushes with different characteristics. Whatever the reason, the brushes can be removed from the track quickly and easily and replaced by new ones.

For quick replacements

We recommend the C-track system wherever Bursten strip brushes need to be replaced quickly and frequently. For example, heavy use might result in a high degree of bristle wear, or changing conditions might require brushes with different characteristics. Whatever the reason, the brushes can be removed from the track quickly and easily and replaced by new ones.

Conventional applications: 
Sealing   I   Wiping   I   Guiding   I   Carrying   I   Gliding   I   Press


  • Simple and economical. The brushes can easily be removed from the track and replaced by new ones
  • Ideal wherever brushes need to be replaced quickly and frequently

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