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Brush Plates

.Brush Plates have a low frictional resistance and carrying capacity of up to 2000 kg per m2, tufted Brush Plates are constructed on a synthetic or fibreboard core in any shape or size up to 1200 mm x 2500 mm.

PUNCH FILLED BRUSHES_LAG BRUSHES  are ideal supporting, guiding and transporting, pressing or cleaning delicate items without damage. Brush PlatesPUNCH FILLED BRUSHES_LAG BRUSHES  are ideal supporting, guiding and transporting, pressing or cleaning delicate items without damage.
Brush Plates Available in custom made sizes and shapes up to 2500 mm x 1200 mm
Custom made to your requirement, our Brush Plates are ideal for supporting, guiding or transporting, cleaning or pressing delicate items without damage and minimising noise.Brush Plates have a low frictional resistance and carrying capacity of up to 2000 kg per m2, tufted Brush Plates are constructed on a synthetic or fibreboard core in any shape or size up to 1200 mm x 2500 mm.
Based on your application, we can vary the brush height, stiffness, tuft pattern and density using a selection of synthetic or heat resistant fill materials.
Perfect for transporting heavy and delicate items

Unlimited shape and size up to 1200 mm x 1200 mm

Core material: Polypropylene, PVC, Polyethylene

Filament material: Synthetic, abrasive, wire, natural or mixed materials

Fill colour: Colours available on request

Tuft angle Upright or angled

Tuft density Open, dense or very dense

Tuft method: Machine stapled

Tuft pattern In line or staggered

Trim profile Straight or Crimped

Brush Plates Brush Plates Brush Plates

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